What others are saying about us

    positive review  Airlie ran a fantastic session for our Prep to Year 9 PE team. The activities she shared with us ranged from warm up games, fitness based activities, large group games... read more

    Pete Sk Avatar Pete Sk
    June 5, 2024

    positive review  Airlie ran a great session for our PE team! Not only was it a good learning experience for us all, but nice for us to work together as a team. The... read more

    Samantha Demetriou Avatar Samantha Demetriou
    May 9, 2024

    positive review  Airlie was fantastic to work with and customised the session to suit our school and needs. Our 2 hour session focused on minor games and game sense, and Airlie incorporated... read more

    Leah Nicole Avatar Leah Nicole
    December 8, 2023

    positive review  Don't be Scared to reach out and seek for Help and Guidance, I Was going through A Lot in my relationship Until I was refered to Dr ASIKA blessed... read more

    John Maduja Avatar John Maduja
    October 2, 2023

    positive review  Airlie thank you so much for the thought and effort that went into personalising the session for the Beaconhills team. The staff have had nothing but positive feedback on the... read more

    Renyce McConnell Avatar Renyce McConnell
    August 3, 2023

    positive review  Airlie was fantastic to work with! She was flexible, fun, and super easy to communicate with. We requested a PD around warm up games and game sense activities. Airlie and... read more

    Chloe Mace Avatar Chloe Mace
    March 23, 2023

    positive review  such fun and practical ideas to implement into the PE curriculum. I feel energised and ready to try new things! The delivery was excellent and it was a great way... read more

    Kendall Otten Avatar Kendall Otten
    March 16, 2023

    positive review  A huge thank you to Airlie from PE Made Easy who came out to our school to run a Professional Development session with our PE staff during our Curriculum Day.... read more

    April Glare Avatar April Glare
    November 27, 2022

    positive review  It was a pleasure having Airlie come and use our faculty meeting time to help us further develop our skills. The team absolutely loved it and gained a lot of valuable... read more

    Dave Cobra Avatar Dave Cobra
    November 22, 2022

    positive review  Thank you so much Airlie for being so easy to work with and for developing a PD session tailored perfectly for our school. Your knowledge and the way you explained... read more

    Ellen Olivia Avatar Ellen Olivia
    June 13, 2022

    positive review  Airlie is professional, friendly, efficient, supportive and incredibly knowledgeable. She provided professional learning to our staff that made an immediate positive impact for our students studying Health and PE.

    Sam Milbourn Avatar Sam Milbourn
    May 2, 2022

    positive review  Airlie's presentation provided an understanding of the process involved in undertaking a Year 6-10 HPE audit. She provided clear links to our current HPE curriculum which considered the requirements of... read more

    Michael Wengier Avatar Michael Wengier
    December 12, 2019

    positive review  Great session last night ran by Airlie. Our teachers have already implemented most of the warm up games she taught us this morning! The resource to go along with the... read more

    Michael Wooly Avatar Michael Wooly
    March 19, 2019

    positive review  Thank you Airlie for a fantastic 90min PD. Our PE department at Bialik College thoroughly enjoyed and learnt heaps from the session. Airlie’s enthusiasm and professionalism was outstanding. We are... read more

    Foy Foy Avatar Foy Foy
    January 31, 2019

    positive review  We had a fantastic, 90 minute PD with Airlie! The staff at Santa Maria College heard about Airlie through the PE Made Easy Facebook page. We currently use the PE... read more

    Emma Maree Avatar Emma Maree
    November 14, 2018

    positive review  Had a blast in the freezing cold but that was no issue in getting our big pe staff and pre services teachers running around with fitness activities and warm up... read more

    Hamish Pearce Avatar Hamish Pearce
    August 25, 2018

    positive review  I contracted Airlie as a consultant to assist me with creating documents outlining how the activities offered by my business align with the Victorian Curriculum. She also consulted on how... read more

    Jade Nicholson Avatar Jade Nicholson
    August 23, 2018

    positive review  Airlie shared a brilliant presentation at the recent Achper conference. As a teacher working in a new school, her knowledge around curriculum mapping was invaluable. I came away with some... read more

    Georgia Anne Avatar Georgia Anne
    June 29, 2018

    positive review  Airlie's curriculum knowledge and support has been incredibly helpful to the PE staff at our school. She has supported many staff in the implementation of new PE subjects into our... read more

    Sophie Tayton Avatar Sophie Tayton
    June 17, 2018

    Huge thanks to Airlie, she tailored a program that suited our students. We found our selves being very stale in the activities being taught in PE, we now have some... read more

    Jess Fingg Avatar Jess Fingg
    June 5, 2018

    positive review  A special thank you to PE made Easy! Airlie ran a very professional, engaging and well structured PD. Feedback from all the staff involved has been that the session has... read more

    Shona Perrin Avatar Shona Perrin
    May 24, 2018

    positive review  A big thanks to Airlie for coming out to our school to run the practical workshop for both expat and Indonesian PE teachers from the various schools in Bali. PD... read more

    Rod Diggle Avatar Rod Diggle
    April 26, 2018

    positive review  Airlie came and did a PD session at our work , where she was truly fantastic! We learnt many new games , skills and fresh ideas to embed into our... read more

    Emma Shinkfield Avatar Emma Shinkfield
    April 19, 2018

    What a fabulous PL session we had as a PE department! Thank you for providing us with so many new warmup and fitness activities that we have already started using... read more

    Dot Georgiou Avatar Dot Georgiou
    April 10, 2018